Although most of our congregation no longer live within the city centre parish, we join together in the vibrant life of the city.

Our Electoral Roll lists those who worship with us, and are involved in our work in the parish. If you would like to be added to our Roll, please ask the Electoral Roll Officer for an Application Form.

A number of people are appointed or elected to our Parochial Church Council as trustees, to look after our congregation and parish. They are listed below, alongside particular roles which they undertake.


Rev’d Canon Liz Hassall – Priest-in-charge, PCC Chair

Roderick Clarkson – Treasurer (

James Finlay – Church Buildings Officer

Joanna Finlay – PCC Vice-Chair

Rev’d Nicky Gladstone

Nicola Hedges

Dorothy Lee

David Norman – Churchwarden, Electoral Roll Officer (

Caleb Pell – PCC Secretary (

James Ratcliffe – Churchwarden (

Beth Steer – Parish Safeguarding Officer (

Marie Taylor

Financial donations to the church from UK taxpayers can attract Gift Aid – the church being able to reclaim tax paid by the donor. If you would like the church to benefit in this way:

》in respect of any cash donation made in church, please place the donation into a signed, orange Gift Aid envelope;

》in respect of any card donation made in church, please complete a white Gift Aid slip;

》in respect of regular giving (including by Standing Order), please ask the Treasurer for a Gift Aid Declaration Form which, when signed, will apply to all donations.

Donations can also be made electronically using this link.